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Ishmael & Rose Diede – Giving Back to Their Communities Through a Bequest

Ishmael & Rose Diede – Giving Back to Their Communities Through a Bequest

Ishmael Diede was a local community photographer in Mott, North Dakota. Both he and his wife, Rose, graduated from Hebron High School in 1939. They were married in 1942, and together they operated their own photo studio in Mott for 38 years, providing services to a wide area of southwestern North Dakota. Rose and Ishmael retired to Bismarck in 1985 and Rose passed away in 2005. Ishmael wished for his estate to continue to benefit the communities that had supported him and his wife Rose throughout their lives.

Ishmael left a $1 million gift to the North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) in his will. Per his desire, half of the money was used to create the Ishmael & Rose Diede Charitable Scholarship Fund, which provides over $20,000 every year for scholarships to area youth.

The other half of his estate was used to establish four community foundations in the area: Glen Ullin, Hebron, Mott-Regent, and New England. Together, these funds award over $20,000 every year to projects and programs that improve the quality of life in their communities. And this will continue forever since the funds are permanently endowed.

Estate gifts are a beautiful way to leave a legacy and support the causes that are important to you long after you are gone. You can make a profound impact on future generations by leaving a portion of your estate to the North Dakota Community Foundation, benefitting the community, charity, school, or nonprofit organization of your choice. You could also designate more than one organization to receive grants from your gift.

It is sometimes helpful to talk about your ideas and plans with someone experienced in this type of giving. If you would like to learn more about different ways you can structure your bequest, feel free to call the North Dakota Community Foundation at 701-222-8349 and we will put you in touch with a trusted representative in your area. These conversations are free, confidential, and you are under no obligation to make a gift. Or see below for sample bequest language you can give your attorney.

Is a charitable bequest right for you?

We have resources that will help you learn more about bequests. Click here to review sample bequest language. You will see how easy it is to include a bequest in your will or trust.

You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If he or she has any questions, please contact us.

*Please note: The names and image above are representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view an example of your benefits.

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